Development Blog

Tuna, No Crust

Below you can find various status updates of where "Tuna, No Crust" is in development.

Most Recent Post:

Friday, November 17th 2023

Today some serious progress was made. i have started drafting up some rough drafts of procedurally generated cities. I am working with the tool called "Cidy 2" which is a node based system, much like "Easy Roads", that lets me quickly create a full fledged city environment in a few clicks. With the prep work put in over the summer, a custom "theme" matching the art style I am going for was created already, so I could get right to building. The benefit of using Cidy for city generation is I could easily integrate with "Simple Traffic System". In just a few clicks, the new city has a fully working traffic system with stoplights and other important logic. Like everything programmatically generated, it is not perfect and needs lots of fine tuning over time.

November 2023


With the basic terrain created, I am now drafting out the interconnecting road systems. These are the roads the players will drive to travel between the cities. This uses the procedural generation tool called "Easy Roads 3D" and uses a node system to connect up chunks of road. It’s an extremely versatile tool that gives you fine control of heights, angles, curves, etc. This is involving a lot of trial and error using a drivable vehicle to see how it actually feels. Some roads look good on camera but when you get a car on it, it becomes undriveable. Good progress has been made on this but will continue to evolve over the entire process.


World building has officially begun. This being an open world game and there only being one of me, there will be a reliance on numerous procedural generation tools. The first step is the terrain. The tool used here is Gaia, which helps to create a realistic feeling environment with specific, yet randomized, features. A small, mountainous 2048x2048 island was generated with vegetation auto populated. A few areas on the terrain were leveled out for adding the cities and towns down the line. 

July 2023

Basic "Proof of Concept" has been started. This mostly consists of testing out shaders, controllers, and basic, core mechanics of character movement.Currently a cell shader is being developed for this with an "inverse hull" outline that surounds objects. There is one working car currenlt and is beinf used to test the different world building techniques.

Dev Begins in July 2023